Dog Jowls Guide: Everything You Need to Know

There are various breeds of dogs worldwide with multiple qualities and features. But there are many breeds of dogs that have jowls. This article is for pets and dog lovers. In this article, you will learn about dog jowls and species of dogs with jowls.

First of all, it is important to understand the dog jowls. They can be described as the loose flaps of skin and lips that hang on either side of the dog’s mouth. It is due to excess skin suspended with a layer of fats that connect to the tissues. Almost every dog has jowls, but some of them have larger jowls.

Some breeds of dogs, like Newfoundland, have big jowls. Some other species do not have jowls or smaller and bigger jowls. These increase the cuteness of dogs and make them look pretty.

Why do dogs have jowls?

Everything is for a purpose, and the pursuit of jowls, regardless of being adorable, is listed below.


It protects the dog’s face from other dogs and in the case of attack from predators. It has been observed that the dogs often fight each other, so these jowls guard them against sharp teeth in the fight. In the conflict, the dog’s jowls are prominent, which prevents the dog’s face from being grabbed and held by another dog. It is due to the unpredictable movement of dogs’ jowls. The dog’s jowls are flexible and saggy, so the dogs will often avoid the fight against saggy-faced dogs of saggy face dog.

Dog’s jowls make eating easier:

The dog’s jowls have stretchy skin on each side, which helps the dog to open its mouth wide and easier. So, the jowl dogs can eat and grab easily. The dogs’ jowls also help chew the food without falling out from the mouth.

Dog’s jowls help to retain moisture:

The dog jowls help to retain moisture in the mouth of a dog. It helps to maintain the saliva, which does not let the mouth of dogs dry out. The mouth of dogs should be wet or contain moisture, which allows the dog to survive in heat or extremely hot weather. It is also essential to keep the throats of dogs to be wet.

 Dog’s jowls help to keep water out:

There are special breeds that swim a lot in water. In this case, the saggy face dog will take advantage of jowls. These jowls help to keep excessive moisture, which can enter the mouth and cause airway blockage in the nostrils. This problem is due to trapping a large air bubble in the mouth or close to the mouth.

Dog’s jowls help to scent and track:

Jowls dogs take advantage of big jowls, which help to smell and sniff a scent. These also assist in tracking and are most beneficial for narcotics detection or sniffing. These are also helpful in focusing on work.

Dog breeds with large jowls:

It is the choice of human that he likes large jowls breed or any other many people simply like due to the droopy jowls, but there are many advantages of these jowls. These characteristics and qualities are transferred from generation to generation, making these breeds prominent to other saggy-face dog breeds. The following are the breeds of dog jowls listed below.

  • Bassett Hound
  • Bloodhound
  • Boxer
  • Bulldog
  • Bullmastiff
  • Climber spaniel
  • Great Dane
  • Leon Berger
  • Neapolitan Mastiff
  • Newfoundland
  • Rottweiler
  • St. Bernard

Usual problems with jowls dog:

The jowls of dogs are small, stretchable tissues made up of skin folds. These skin folds often trap saliva, atmospheric moisture, and water dogs drink. All these things keep the jowls wet and moist. This moisture sometimes causes some serious bacterial yeast. It can also predispose to bacterial and fungal infections.

·         The saggy-faced dogs and jowls are the best location to grow this yeast of fungal and bacterial mixture because this mixture grows in a dark and moisturized place. It is referred to as lip fold dermatitis or lip fold pyoderma. It is a common problem in saggy-faced dogs.

·         These fungal infections cause several problems to jowl dogs and cannot be identified easily. The lip fold pyoderma can cause the jowls to swollen red. It is much more painful for dogs to scratch their faces, where the infection rapidly grows and ultimately injures their soft skin and begins to bleed.

·         Large dog jowls also cause drooling in many breeds that have large jowls. Sometimes, this drooling becomes excessive. This excessive drooling is caused by the large amount of saliva and fluid trapped in fold skin, finally making a pool of drool. In such cases, the dogs leave a trail of water in a swimming pool or bathtub, which can be a source to transfer this infection to others or humans. It can be seen that a long rope of water is hanging from the mouth of a dog.

·         It is a serious medical problem for dogs and causes serious issues for the owners of dogs. This problem is uncontrollable sometimes in the case of severe infection.

The jowls dogs are also a source of common site or papillomavirus, which is known as oral warts. Papillomavirus is a common disease in dogs under the age of two years. This virus spreads among dogs and is extremely dangerous for dog life. It has been examined that multiple pink bumpy growths can be inside the dog’s mouth. These are the clear signs of papillomavirus. In severe cases, it becomes painful and starts bleeding when chewing or eating.

Washing and cleaning of dogs’ jowls:

Washing and cleaning jowls is essential to keep this breed healthy and fit. If there are any symptoms of infection or your dog was infected, consult your veterinarian’s doctor and clean your dog’s jowls with the suggestion provided or given by the veterinarian. Properly cleaning dog jowls and preventing them from lip folds will help to create less chance of infection growth.

·         Always use the products recommended by veterinarians at the time of dog washing. Use a specific quantity of alcohol, which is harsh and drying, and also the germ killer. The washing with water may again cause moisture in lip folds.

·         Several medicated washes or wipes contain chlorhexidine and benzoyl peroxide, which prevent this infection from growing. These medicated washes are available in pet stores. Never use these medicated washes without the suggestion of a veterinarian.

·         During the cleaning, spread apart the skin folds and wipe down deep inside. Use medicated wipes at the time of lip fold cleaning. Continuously soak the wipe properly, dip it down in cleaner, and clean the inside of the mouth and jowls. Remove the debris and moisture as deep as possible. Always use gloves and ensure safety.

·         In the final stage, use ointments and recommended medicines by the veterinarian, which help to reduce the smell from the dog’s mouth and the jowls. While brushing teeth or teeth cleaning, also ensure the mouthwash and the water are properly wiped from folds inside and the skin is dry.

Saggy faced dogs:

The dogs with large jowls are also called saggy-faced dogs, or saggy-faced dogs are also called droopy-faced dogs. They are cute dogs and good companions at home. These precious breeds are also classified into various other classes due to cuteness. Their puppies are much more appealing and easily adjusted in any environment.


Dogs’ jowls are the flap skin around the face, increasing the dog’s beauty. Dog jowls have advantages like they prevent the mouth to bite from another dog and providing protection. Also, it helps to grind a large piece of food and helps to sniff, smell, and track.

On the other hand, these jowls can trap moisture and water, which cause serious infections. So, the washing and cleaning of dog jowls is a crucial task to perform. Regular washing and cleaning prevent the jowls from infractions.

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